Shimadai, a base on the road
※1【糸割符商とは】 江戸時代の中国産糸を主とする生糸の輸入制度。 詳しくは白糸(しらいと)割符商法という。 輸入白糸(生糸)を、幕府の指名業者である糸割符仲間が、年1回、その代表者(糸年寄)と外国商人との折衝で決められた固定価格で一括購入し、これを仲間内や幕府指定の特許商人に分売した。
※2【1間=約1.818メートル】 35間=約63.64メートル 20間=約23.64メートル
Founded in 1608 as a yarn merchant (*1). The company name was “Kitaito. During the Temmei era (1781-1788), the sake brewing business was founded through a relationship with a sake brewer in Itami, Settsu Province. At the time, the shogunate forbade Kyoto to handle sake brewed in other countries, but Prince Ihei Konoe gave it the name “Shimadai” and the title of “Imperial Sake. The company name was changed to “Maruokaya” and both businesses were owned by the family from then on. 1817, the company also opened a business in Edo under the name of Yamadaya Gorosuke-ten and grew as a sake wholesaler. 1894, the famous sake “Shimadai” was presented to Emperor Meiji at his silver wedding ceremony. The company also received orders for sake from the Taisho and Showa Emperors on their accession to the throne. The present building was rebuilt in 1883 (Meiji 16) after being destroyed by fire in a military fire at the end of the Edo period. At the time, it was considered the pinnacle of traditional machiya architecture, a large building measuring approximately 63.6 meters from Higashinotoin Dori in the east to Kurumaya-cho Dori in the west, 23.6 meters in the north, and lined with various buildings across the old Oike Dori in the south. In 2004, the building was designated as a Tangible Cultural Property of Japan as an example of machiya architecture.

Zairojo” will connect culture from Kyoto with “Shimadai”.
「嶋臺絲店」 京都府 明治/1883 木造2階建、瓦葺、建築面積113㎡ 1棟 登録年月日:20040609 登録有形文化財(建造物) 御池通りに南面して建つ。切妻造,桟瓦葺,平入で,西側を一段高く葺く。正面には庇をかけ,出格子を設ける。庇上の壁面は土壁とし,横長の虫籠窓を設けている。平面ほぼ中央南北に土間を通し,1階はその両脇を広い2室とする。近代初頭京町屋の好例である。
Shimadai Itoten”, Kyoto, Meiji period/1883, 2 stories, wooden, tile-roofed, floor area 113 sq.m., 1 building, registered tangible cultural property (building), registration date 20040609, gabled gabled roof with flat-roofed pier tile roof, the west side is pitched higher. The front has overhanging eaves and a door pocket. The walls above the eaves are mud walls with long horizontal windows. An earthen floor runs north-south through the center of the plan, and there are two spacious rooms on the first floor on either side of the earthen floor. It is a fine example of a modern Kyoto townhouse.

「嶋臺酒店」 京都府 明治/1883 木造2階建、瓦葺、建築面積80㎡ 1棟 登録年月日:20040609 登録有形文化財(建造物) 敷地の南東隅に建ち,東街路側を正面とする。平面は巽蔵を囲むL字型で,総土間とする。1階正面は連子格子を設け,南寄りに入り口を開く。庇上は土壁とし,虫籠窓を開く。御池通に面した妻面は上部白漆喰塗とし,巽蔵と連続する景観を形成している。
Shimadai Sake Brewery” Kyoto Prefecture, Meiji period/1883, 2 stories, wooden, tile roof, 80 square meters in area, 1 building. The front of the first floor has a latticework and the entrance is toward the south. The eaves have mud walls and a window with a caged window. The gable end facing Oike Dori is painted white plaster on the top, creating a continuous landscape with the Tatsumi warehouse.
「嶋臺巽蔵」 京都府 明治/1883 土蔵造2階建、瓦葺、建築面積44㎡ 1棟 登録年月日:20040609 登録有形文化財(建造物) 御池通に面して建つ土蔵。3間四方の平面で,東と北の酒店側に扉口を開く。外観は腰縦板張,上部は漆喰塗とし,軒まで塗込め,屋根は本瓦葺である。内部は1階・2階とも柱を現し,いずれも一室とする。京都の近代初頭の景観を今日に伝える建築である。
Shimadai Tatsumi Kura (Tatsumi warehouse) Kyoto, Japan Meiji period/1883, 2 stories, tiled roof, building area 44 square meters, 1 building, registered as Tangible Cultural Property (building), date of registration: 20040609. The exterior is clad in vertical wooden planks, the upper part is plastered, and the eaves are painted in, and the roof is tiled. The interior is a single room with exposed pillars on both the first and second floors. It is a building that conveys the early modern landscape of Kyoto to this day.

The goal is to connect this place to the future as a beacon of creativity.

〒604-0844 京都府京都市中京区御池通東洞院西北角
TEL: 075-221-5007 FAX: 075-861-3612
The revitalized Art Gallery will redefine Kyoto’s cultural landscape, serving as a nexus for artistic expression, community engagement, and architecture. This project aims to honor the rich history of the Art Gallery while connecting the site to the future as a beacon of creativity.